C64 6502 Assembler

Table of Contents


A bit where it all started…

6502 Development Now

First off … it’s all changed. Now it’s much easier than what it used to be. Cross assemblers were hard and complex at the best of times before but now… it’s just the new norm.

I am using a Mac and essentially the C64 development environment that I am using now includes the following:

Command Line Environment

There’s a few nuances to setting this up for the mac. Here’s a few things for the .bash_profile environment given I am still using Bash for the command line.

## Commodore 64 development pipeline stuff
#export kickass_debug_path=/Applications/C64Debugger.app/Contents/MacOS/C64Debugger
#export kickass_run_args='-debugdump -time'

## Kick Assembler
alias kick="java -jar /Users/jskogsta/OneDrive/C64/assembler_programming_tools/mac_tools_local/KickAssembler/KickAss.jar"

## KickC
#export KICKC_HOME=/Users/jskogsta/local/kickc_0
export KICKC_HOME=/Users/jskogsta/OneDrive/C64/assembler_programming_tools/mac_tools_local/kickc_0
export KICKC_JAR=$KICKC_HOME/lib/kickc-*.jar    

The main thing to make note of is the first bit for Kick Assembler.