Consoles I Have
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I was never really that much into the classic consoles but grew up in the golden era when they were around. I did love however, some of the classic games and these consoles are a bit more of a nostalgic interest. I do collect what I consider to be the key systems and occasionally get to play them when time permits.
Analogue hardware
Analogue make possibly the best console ’re-makes’ in the world. They are highly sought after, pricey but oh so good!
Mistr Multi System
The Mistr Multi System is special. It has a 50th birthday present organised by my wife and Tom Walker, a dear friend of mine. This is the swiss army knife of consoles and yeah, if you were to get one system… and you could only get one… this would be it. It can do them all and then more and the Heber Multi System addon is phenomenal. It just completes the system and makes it just plain awesome. Google it and check out YouTube. You will be left impressed and wanting one!
The perfect complement to this is the ‘Update All’ script in which you can keep your Mistr updated with all the software, roms, platforms and more. Once you have set it up, you can easily update that with recent updates and additional content. You can find that here: Update_All_MiSTer .